jeudi 17 janvier 2008

Incident Management 1: Good Procedures!

Incident management is a core business of day-to-day IT Production. Nobody exactly knows why but, no matter how clever IT people are, no matter how well changes are prepared, no matter how modern the computers are, no matter how users are responsible and compliant, incidents WILL happen. This is one on the main IT Laws.

Some incidents are worst than others. For instance, if you loose some data on a test machine, it could be a "class 3 incident" (never mind the bolocks). If the scheduler for the whole IT Production goes down in the middle of the night batch, it will be defined as "class 1 incident, condition very red"...

Incidents are times of crisis for the IT Production. And when a crisis arise, Humans often panic. However, good procedures, incidents bibles, proper processes and clever communication will help to get the hell out of here.

BUT... No matter how well a procedure is written and followed, it will NEVER do the actual job for you...


3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Tu fais chier, avec ton Anglais !
J'm'abonnerai pas, na !

Anonyme a dit…

Ha ha ha ! Les procédures ITIL !
C'est pourtant marrant...

Anonyme a dit…

Oï Zamme !

It may happen that no incident occurs ...
This simply means that R&D dept failed to implement bugs and dysfunctions, R&D actors are not mistake free !

Schoene Abik Mittenande !