mardi 29 janvier 2008

the Holy Grail of IT Production

Today's strip is dedicated to all fans of the Monthy Pythons (nothing to do with objects-oriented language, geeks).

There are many of them, in just about any IT Production, in any IT Corps. All of them seek frantically the Holy Grail of IT Production: the “open source workstation”. Everybody knows it’s a desperate endeavour, but everybody is investing pots of money and time into. Mainly because it is fashionable, and because “our adversaries are doing the same!”.

However, the “open source workstation” is a kind of mirage in the desert: tricky, always seeming to be “at hand”, and always disappearing into the sands of time.

So, what is the “open source workstation” ?

Well… Let’s say that it is a bit like pornography: it is sometimes hard to define, but you can be sure everybody will recognise it when (at last) we’ll be able to see it (someday, somehow). The only fear is that it will turn to be like “cold fusion”, “hyperspace drive” or “user friendly IT Production”…

(thanks to Knarf for the "open source idea")

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