jeudi 31 janvier 2008

The New Norm 2: Project Management

Project Management is one of the foremost activities if IT Production. A world in itself.

Sometimes, to kill a stupid idea (or, more often, a good one), you just need to start a project. Here comes the times of “project meetings”, “steering committees”, “scheduling meetings”, “project management tools”, “project management document repository tool”, “project follow-up committees”, etc etc etc…

99% of the Project Manager time (and budget) is sucked by “methods, norms and compliance”. Consequently, it spins off, drags, and falls into oblivion…

Yet, sometimes, you can see boasts and claims of marvellous projects delivered “in advance on the schedule”. There are many accomplishments in the IT Production to be sure. But, often, they are re-qualified as “project” once they are finished, and subsequently entered in the “Project Management System”*. In the meantime, the actors of the project were able to use 99% of their time on it…

Or “PMS”, or “Pre Menstrual Syndrom”: somewhat annoying and recurring, and nothing to do to advert it!

ps: I thank my Lean Coach for the "kill the initiative with a project" remark yesterday...

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